Saturday, August 30, 2008

Are You Not Able To Control These Debts

Category: Finance, Credit.

Are you over weighed down with amount overdue?

Do you want to dodge impoverishment or arrears? Are you not able to control these debts? Did you answer yes to all questions? Debt supervision solution is a way of paying your sum unpaid with a season disbursement that you can afford based on your specific circumstances. If so, then debt administration solution is for you. No uncertainty to get your creditors fall in with to demote period can be hard as the are frequently attached with the word no. Debt directors solution will take farthest care to talk into the creditor as many turn down the covenant.

But to make your creditors match is not intolerable. The following ways by which the debt running solution helps you are- - 1) Go through your investment with you. 2) Agree an affordable frequent recompense with you. 3) Prepare a Financial Statement and Budget. 4) Negotiate with your. 5) Distribute your payments to your. But the withdrawal written notice is received within 7 days of making the deal. One more thing you may remember while taking debt managers solution is you can abandon the union and be permitted to a full repayment of money. This is known as& lsquo. Retro after which debt controlling solution customary relationship apply. Cooling off& rsquo.

Once the debt bosses solution programme is under way you can stop the agreement any time and no penalty is added to it. The ritual can be used as long as you want until you feel confident to deal with your creditors over. As such there is no bottom or maximum time pact. Of procedure no debt is minute if you can& ;t afford it. In not payments at the agreed level and on the agreed your creditor may with draw his provision for the plan. But debt management solution is valuable for those who are with big amounts of amount outstanding, habitually in surplus of �20, 00Debt executives solution is applied to unsecured arrears and not to like utilities, etc which you, CCJs stay to pay and debt employers rite is not necessary. But as said& lsquo.

Have a duty to be the motto of your glade sum unpaid. Prevention is better than cure& rsquo. Debt managing solution not only your debt but also improves your credit history. It is in reality not a good thing that many populace are misguided into taking loans that are not apposite to their commercial situation. Loan borrowing is like once in a life time decision and much is at stakes. This leads to many similar objections.

The difficult with this solution of debt problems is that it includes a lot more than austerely eliminating debt. A debt solution like bankruptcy be duty- bound to if truth be told only be used as a last possible solution. When star declares them self, all debt anthology movements against that person are. The most crucial exemption is that when a loan is secured by possessions can seek relief from the stay and seize that things. The quad an" automatic stay" , which- with a few exceptions process that creditors cannot come after the money owed to them. The fresh are scholar loan debt, child sponsorship and, alimony taxes. This stuff is then sold and the earnings are distributed amid the creditors.

The rump for the person who seeks this solution to liquidate his debt is that he or she must hand over all non- discharged goods. There are two of this solution of your debt problems: . Chapter 13 allows a person to keep most of their income, but have to make a plan to pay the debt back to on their future income. Chapter 7which that a person is required to hand over much of their chattels, but seek damages from more income. Under this plan, the high court can require individuals to live within a very austere low- priced. One of the biggest shortcoming is that both debt wipe out plans will significantly impact a person s credit rate. As you see, there are downsides to both debt exclusion.

For this excuse, declaring yourself bankrupt is a solution of your debt problems that have to be evaluated very thoroughly and watchfully.


One Card Is Advisable For A Student - Finance and Credit Articles:

Nobody is immune to credit card debt. Because of this, college student credit card debt has come into existence and if students cannot be made aware of this early, they might carry the habit when they get regular cards later on.

Your Credit History Is The Meat Of Your Report - Dominique Burlingame's Finance and Credit blog:

What does this little credit report say about you?

Friday, August 29, 2008

What Is Debt Consolidation

Category: Finance, Credit.

A substantial number of people nowadays get themselves into such debt that they sometimes have to accrue further debt in order to pay it. It can be potentially as deadly to your finances as the Mann Gulch fire was to the hapless smokejumpers whose task it was to try and control it.

This fighting- fire- with- fire approach, if misunderstood or misused, can lead to further debt problems instead of helping to solve them. What is Debt Consolidation? It involves a person either taking out a single loan( secured or unsecured, depending on the package offered) and using the payments to pay it instead of their numerous other loans, or debt can be consolidated by merging credit card accounts into one account. In a nutshell, debt consolidation is a way of refinancing a loan. For the former, the payments are then used by the finance company to pay back the other loans, the person, and in effect s other debts come under the aegis of this debt consolidation loan. Advantages.

What debts are eligible to be included depends on the debt consolidation package being offered and the ability of either the debt consolidation company and/ or the debtor to renegotiate their loan terms. Debt consolidation offers several advantages. Some people are just not that good at remembering and scheduling payments. For one thing, it s often easier to make a single payment than trying to remember what to pay off when. The convenience offered by a debt consolidation loan can also offer peace of mind to a person. In some cases, the debtor can also prepay their creditors through the debt consolidation loan. The debtor can also avail of the advantages of paying off a lower interest rate presented by one single loan, instead of having to pay off the interest of many loans.

Pitfalls. One is that one s credit rating takes a hit when one undergoes debt consolidation. Naturally, undergoing debt consolidation entails its own set of risks. It is taking out another loan, and essentially zeroing, after all out any progress the person has made paying off the other debts. Still another is that the refinancing plan can fail if the person doesn t make some changes to curb his or her spending and save more money. Another is that debt consolidation loans might not offer interest rate advantages over individual loans, because people who have been paying off their loans for a long time can often renegotiate their terms with their creditor, and these might be lower than the interest rate offered by the debt consolidation company s loan.

Debt consolidation is a drastic step to take, a fact some people don t seem to understand. In this situation, the new loan can act merely as a sticking- plaster on a serious wound, halting problems temporarily but doing nothing to remedy the underlying situation. Some see their credit card balance or their loan read" $0" and take it as carte blanche to keep right on spending and spending. If the person who took out the debt consolidation loan should then be unable to repay it for example, they need the money due to a family emergency and they would find themselves in more trouble than they were at the start.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

It Depends On The Creditor If He Accepts The New Terms

Category: Finance, Credit.

Most of the credit counseling programs that you will enroll for might require you to do away with all your credit accounts.

But with debt reduction there are no such impositions and therefore you can keep your credit accounts working. These programs however, do offer some concession for accounts that are required for your business needs and accounts where you have little balance. So if there is an emergency need and you are required to draw money from your credit card account, debt reduction programs will give you that option but credit counseling ones wouldn t. Whereas credit counseling programs take an average of five years to do away with the entire debt, a debt reduction program can liquidate the entire debt even under a year. Compared to a credit counseling program a debt reduction program will rid the client of his debts in considerably less time. With debt reduction programs a consumer would need to pay much less than what he will have to if he enrolls into a credit counseling program.

In a credit counseling program what is negotiated is your rate of interest on the credit you have. The reasons are simple to understand. But in a debt reduction program it is your actual debt amount that gets reduced. Now that is a lot of reduction we are talking about. And this reduction can be anything between 40% -80% . The industry average of 50% is a very attractive figure for anyone who is in debt.

When enrolled in a credit counseling program the agency generally re- ages the accounts after three payments are made by the client. The client s credit score is also affected differently with different programs. But there are no such changes made by a debt reduction program. So if the client has a current account, it will stay that way. The status of the account remains unchanged. If the account has past its due, no alteration will be made.

What happens in a credit counseling program is that a submission is made to the creditor on how the client plans to repay his loan. In a debt reduction program the client has a much greater bargaining power than what he has in a credit counseling program. It depends on the creditor if he accepts the new terms. In a debt reduction program a lot of negotiation happens and a the creditor is made fully aware of what the situation of the client is.


Why Should Another Lender Take A Chance On Getting Your Home In Foreclosure - Joni Shaner's Finance and Credit blog:

The most common issues a homeowner faces in a foreclosure are his getting too much confusing and conflicting information, and his inability to make timely decisions.

Defaulting On Loan Payments Is One Way To Make Your Credit Score Worse - Finance and Credit Articles:

If you have bad credit then you know that this can affect you negatively in many ways including not getting approved for certain loans and paying higher interest rates.

Your Past Credit History Will Not Matter Anymore - Lee Saliba about Finance and Credit:

When you apply for a loan or credit, the financial institution will first get your personal data and would need relevant background information on your financial status and credit history.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Not Owning And Using Credit Cards Is Not A Valid Option Nowadays

Category: Finance, Credit.

Not owning and using credit cards is not a valid option nowadays. We no longer have to carry around large amounts of cash for making purchases and a credit card also provides an escape route when you have to pay for something in case of an emergency.

They play a crucial part in people s lives whether we are talking about an ordinary single user or a corporate entity. These are the main benefits of credit cards that anyone can experience first hand but there is nobody enjoying more from the advantages than the business establishments. It is nothing out of the ordinary for a company to issue business credit cards for the employees. The executives that are part of corporations or any other businesses feel the need for the business credit cards, especially when we are talking about individuals that are constantly in contact and interacting with other people like customers, or business partners, clients. This will serve as a very convenient way for both the corporation and the employee to manage and calculate the business related expenses. More and more companies and corporations are attracted by both the benefits of issuing secure business credit cards for selected employees, and the enticing deals that credit cards operators and financial institutions are offering with the signing up of these corporate credit card services. This way, personal expenses will be sorted out from the business expenses in order to provide a clear view over the business operating expenses and also monitor these expenses for tax and accounting purposes.

Credit card companies can even throw in deals like waiving the fee for a limited period of time or even offering discount points to business related expenses like flight tickets or office supplies. Because of the large number of companies that are providing these services and the complexity of the offers with many levels of benefits, it can be a bit difficult to evaluate all the offers in order to find the one that best suits your company needs. This type of business credit cards can be signed up on various credit card companies or financial institutions, each of them offering different reward points and benefits. Stacking up the offers on sheets of paper in front of you is not likely to succeed. They will list almost all the credit card companies available on the market at a certain point, each of the offers weighed in terms of advantages and benefits, and disadvantages. The alterative for this evaluation is to take advantage of one of the few websites that try to simplify the choosing process for a potential customer. This way, the future client will no longer be put through a tedious process of sorting out flyers and paper sheets but easily browse through the data to make the most intelligent selection.

The business credit cards are more and more of a necessity, providing people with the opportunity of making business transactions with more ease than ever before.


Nothing Drives Away The Lenders More Than A Person With No Credit History Or A Bad Credit History - Finance and Credit Articles:

The seeds of a good career are sown in student life but few students really know that the foundations of a good credit history also take shape during this vital period. Here are few things which will bother a student without any credit history or having a bad credit history as he steps out into the real word.

This Is Particularly The Case With Credit Cards - Tracey Line's Finance and Credit blog:

One of the most important ways to keep track of your finances is to regularly review your statements.

But, What Is Bankruptcy - Dora Garzon's Finance and Credit blog:

Increasing number people are filing for bankruptcy to get out of debt. Do you know enough of it?

Saturday, August 23, 2008

This Article Gives Some Tips On How To Write Good Debt Recovery Letters

Category: Finance, Credit.

One of the reasons why a debt goes beyond recovery stage is failure on the part of the creditor to contact the debtor periodically and demand repayment of the debt.

This article gives some tips on how to write good debt recovery letters. It may be due to failure to communicate or improper communication. The first notice to a debtor regarding an overdue debt should not appear to be a debt recovery letter. It is possible that the debtor had failed to keep up the commitment due to sheer oversight after all. It should be written in a friendly fashion, just a gentle reminder, without offending the reader. If no reply is received for the first letter, the second should follow a week later mentioning the details of the overdue amount and requesting payment.

The third letter in the third week should be more persuasive and it should quote any written agreement like an invoice and explain how the delay in payment is affecting your business and your cash flow. You may gently ask if the client is facing any problem for making the payment. If no reply is received even after the lapse of a week, the fourth reminder should state plainly that it would be the last letter with a deadline of a week before the matter is handed over to recovery agents. Finally after the lapse of 4 weeks, if there is no response, you may refer the matter to a debt recovery agent after ensuring that the contact address of the debtor is correct. You may attach a copy of the invoice or any other written proof. Letters should preferably be followed by telephone calls directly to the person concerned, if possible. You should not fail to contact the debtor on the first instance of the debt falling overdue.

You may also take the help of outside agencies for writing debt recovery letters if you don t have the time to do it. More the elapse of time, lesser is the chance of recovering the debt. Email reminders are not treated in the same way as those sent on paper by some people. The reminders should be sent once a week. Emails may fail to get noticed if there are too many of them, occasionally they may fail to reach the addressee. Digitally signed emails have better legal sanctity then ones without signature and they can be retained as evidence in case of dispute later. Hence if there is no response to repeated email reminders, they should be followed by paper reminders.


In Fact, This Practice Became So Widespread That Credit Card Companies Were Forced To Rethink On The Issue - Finance and Credit Articles:

What happened to those wonderful balance transfer offers with no fees and why can t you find a single such offer despite scouring the database of every single online credit card website? Such offers have been exploited by people to defer their repayments and shelve themselves from high interest rates.

These Fees Increase The Cost Of Credit Card Ownership - Finance and Credit:

Credit card companies associate various different fees with the credit card. A close scrutiny of the terms and conditions associated with the credit card will definitely make the credit card owner aware about them.

You Have Heard About All Of The Recommendations To Get A Free Copy Of Your Credit Report, Right - Reyna Wooster's Finance and Credit blog:

You have heard about all of the recommendations to get a free copy of your credit report, right? I mean after all, the credit reporting agencies are professionals who know what they re doing, so why should you have to worry about any mistakes?

Thursday, August 21, 2008

We Can T Ignore The Fact That Business Credit Is What Most Business People Need To Properly Start, Grow And Nurture Their Businesses

Category: Finance, Credit.

We can t ignore the fact that business credit is what most business people need to properly start, grow and nurture their businesses. Many others want just a little financing to increase their existing businesses but they don t have the business credit.

Without business credits, no matter how bright an idea you have, it most certainly only just dies. But things have changed- - today you can acquire business credits for a new or existing business. The business credit providers advice that one s business characteristics and size should be the determining factor for the kind of business credit one is seeking. There exist many kinds of business credits. Anyone who owns a business should be happy because of the many business credits to choose from. Talk to any of the private sector providers like the banks for these varieties of loans. Any person who runs a small business has the preference of going for a small business loan.

There is a great deal of competition for small business loan because more people want this type of loan. As a result, there are now lots of cheap business credit for business owners and those that are just starting their businesses. That s why lots of the banks try to outshine each other by giving people low interest rates and very good reimbursement options. You can find other kinds of business loans to pick from, such as the merchant account cash advance business loan, the commercial real estate loans, the start- up business loans, the secured and unsecured business loans. One can hardly deny the fact that the Internet remains the best place to begin search on business credit. Since it s a very delicate decision to make regarding the business credit to pick, ensure you do your due diligence before going ahead. Additionally, any person that wants can get a lot of quality websites online that present all the correct business credit information.


There Are Auto Loans That Are Perfect For Almost Anyone - Finance and Credit:

With expansion in the field of technology and automobile industry every year variety of latest models of vehicles are introduced in markets throughout the globe to attract new customers. The most suitable and simple way of getting a dream car is by applying for an auto loan.

Another Easy Way To Help Protect From Fraud Is To Always Keep Your Credit Card With You - Finance and Credit:

Along with increased technological advances it seems there are increased ways for the criminal element of society to find ways to take advantage of it for nefarious purposes. Make sure that you investigate the card you choose carefully and get one that offers exceptional security.

Credit Card Offers Come In The Mail Everyday - Sonya Felan's Finance and Credit blog:

Credit card offers come in the mail everyday.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

An Advantage Of World Wide Web Credit Card Registration Is That It Saves You Both Time And Finances

Category: Finance, Credit.

First off, the less you know about credit cards, the much more likely you re to fall into credit card debts.

An advantage of World Wide Web credit card registration is that it saves you both time and finances. It s possible to defend yourself against this by being knowledgeable when it comes to credit cards. It also ensures you a quicker relay of your credit card. Getting a loan from a bank that offers a low interest loan is one method that s adopted by credit card debtors to pay off their debts on their credit cards, especially when they merge their debts under one credit card with a zero or an equally lower annual percentage rate. Credit card firms that specialize in providing student credit cards make use of the credit card rate or annual credit card rate( APR) , as a check to stop students from exceeding the credit card limit and as a means of encouraging swift payment of credit card bills. In a bid to run away from being tagged an outdated or non- serious business, nearly all services in US now patronize the process of collecting payment through the use of a credit card. More often than not, they end up in serious credit card debt.

Various individuals who have credit cards have a shop till you drop mentality that tends to make them brush aside the truth that their credit card has a limit. Don t be like such people. The offers for credit cards are extensive and can be found basically everywhere. You need to target the credit card company that charges the highest interest rate on your debt and get rid of it first before paying attention to the rest of your debts if you re set to say goodbye to them. On the television, newspapers, radio, magazines and even on the World Wide Web. From all the foregone it s clear that having a credit card is not an authorization to spend money unwisely. Consolidating your credit card debts has got to be a step you take only if you ve found a new credit card company that offers lower credit card interest rates than your most recent credit card companies.

Despite the sense of safety as well as invincibility which credit cards supply, you need to remember to live within your means and not spend more than you can afford.


Among Those Credit Cards Are The Discover More Cards - Natalia Laflamme about Finance and Credit:

There are a lot of credit cards on the market today offering great value to credit card using consumers. Believe it or not this card is available in over 150 card designs that you can personalize and an introductory 0% APR( Annual Percentage Rate) on purchases and balance transfers for 12 months.

A Prepaid Credit Card Is Yet Another Alternative To Traditional Credit Cards - Finance and Credit Articles:

It can be hard to find a credit card to help rebuild your credit when you have had credit problems such as a bankruptcy.

I Have A Debit Card Attached To An Online Account That I Use Almost Exclusively And I Love It, It Even Pays Me Cash Back - Finance and Credit:

Many people who carry credit cards originally got them just for the ability to be able to not have to carry large sums of cash and be able to just pay with a card.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Finding A 5% Cash Back Credit Card

Category: Finance, Credit.

With so many scams out there and businesses trying to pull the wool over consumer s eyes, it seems impossible to believe that a credit card would really offer to pay 5% cash back just for making purchases with the card.

Several of the best cash back credit cards are really giving their customers 5% cash back rewards- and you just might be able to take advantage of these special deals. Nonetheless, it is true. Beating the Competition. One of the answers they have come up with is to offer cash back credit cards. With so many credit cards out there, credit card companies are in a bind to find a way to draw more customers in. With these credit cards, you earn money back for every purchase you make.

All of this fierce battling is perfect for the consumer, who can take advantage of the resulting deals. As cash back credit cards rise in popularity, credit card companies are once again at the drawing table looking for a way to bring customers their way. One of these great deals is the increase in credit card companies willing to provide cardholders with 5% cash back. These cards also offer 1% cash back on all other purchases. In addition, this cash back reward is earned from making everyday purchases, such as those made at drugstores, and grocery stores, gas stations. Finding a 5% Cash Back Credit Card. Some credit cards offering this special deal are Citi Dividend Platinum Select MasterCard and the Blue Cash Card from American Express.

The best cash back credit cards provide the 5% cash back reward. Whether you are an individual or a small business, you can find a great cash back credit card. The Downside. The Advanta Platinum with Rewards and American Express OPEN: The Small Business Network are two great cash back credit cards for business owners. There is one downside to the 5% cash back bonus offered by certain cash back credit cards. This is not because the credit card company has excluded them.

Certain major stores, such as Sam s Club and Wal- Mart, do not earn the 5% rebate. Rather, it is because these stores have not coded their items as grocery, or pharmacy, gas. Therefore, you will need to go to major drug stores, and gas stations, grocery stores to take advantage of the special 5% incentive. Therefore, the credit card company has no way to properly track the items. Otherwise, you will only earn 1% cash back. Credit card companies are able to offer the great incentives of these cash back credit cards for many reasons. The Mindset of the Credit Card Company.

First of all, they are willing to pay out a little extra in order to grab a larger portion of the consumer market. Therefore, they are counting on you setting the plastic aside when you visit drug stores, and grocery stores, gas stations. Secondly, American spending habits have traditionally been to use a check or cash for everyday necessities, health, such as food, and home purchases. The trend for credit card usage is, changing, however. Retailers are assisting in this trend by providing incentives for using credit cards, such as fast moving self- service aisles that accept only credit cards. More and more, consumers are using their credit cards for everyday purchases. So, if you are able to pay your credit card balance at the end of the month and if you make sure to use your cash back credit card for all of your purchases, particularly the everyday ones, you will be sure to start earning money back in no time!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

How Many Times Will You Use Your Credit Cards Online This Year

Category: Finance, Credit.

How many times will you use your credit cards online this year?

All these instances add up quickly. During the holidays, for that excellent, for birthdays deal that you just could not get to the store to purchase. From time to time you begin to wonder whether it is safe to use your credit cards online. First and foremost, you should always make sure that you are on a secure website before keying in your payment details. Do You Trust" Them" ? Make sure that you are working with a reliable merchant as well. If you haven' t used anyone before, you can find out if the company is reliable and safe in a number of ways- one excellent way is locating their listing in the Better Business Bureau.

For example, a company that, a trusted merchant you know or have used before is a relatively safe bet. Get The Facts For Online Shopping. It can be hard to tell if you are on a secure website or not. Not sure if a website is secure or not? In most cases, if the web address is written like this" https: // " (secure) the data is better off than on a website which is" http: // " only. Without getting into too many technical details, just remember to enter credit card information only if the address has the" https: //" in the URL. Most payment pages are through a'secure' connection.

How about those auction houses? The larger auction houses on the web are an excellent location to find your product and have a good buying experience. Some major auction players such as Ebay provide a relatively secure buying experience- this is to protect merchants as well as the buyer. What about the smaller sites? You can do this safely though. There is no doubt that you' ll want to make some purchases from the smaller, more unique websites out there.

If you do not want to give them your credit card information, they use a service such as Paypal. In this case, you don' t need to give them your credit card information at all. There are many other online payment services as well. You give it to Paypal. Why go through this trouble? Then, they make the payment to the merchant. If you do not receive the product you paid for, many of these companies will investigate the matter to help you out.

While it may never be fully possible to have no risk involved, keeping the above tips in mind will help you to eliminate certain risks of using your credit cards online. But, even if you never do, at least the merchant does not have your credit card information. Happy online shopping!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Credit Card Interest Rates Vary From Card To Card

Category: Finance, Credit.

Generally the credit card interest rates are higher than any other loan. The credit card interest rates vary from card to card.

But, the customer need not worry about the interest rates, if he make the payment within a month. The interest rate increases based on the customer's outstanding payable amount. This trend led to a severe competition among these companies. Nowadays there are lot of credit card companies established and introducing hundreds of credit card offers in different categories. So, inorder to attract new customers and to make their existing customers to remain, the companies offer variety of incentives to the consumers like cash back, 0% balance transfer fee and low interest rate etc. There are many credit cards which offer credits at low or 0% interest rates.

Among all these special incentive schemes, the term low interest credit cardsattracting more consumers. Lets see the benefits and detailed descriptions of some of the specific offers. Provides up to 1% cash back bonus on all other purchases automatically and unlimited cash rewards that never expire. Discover� More Clear Card: This card offers 0% Intro APR for purchases and Balance Transfers for 12 months and 5% cash back bonus on purchases in popular categories that change four times a year like home, apparel and more. Provides$ 0 fraud liability guarantee and easiest online account management options. Union Plus� MasterCard: This card offers FREE rewards program designed for hard- working union members. There is no annual fee and the card members can DOUBLE their cash back bonus( turn$ 20 into$ 40) when they redeem for gift cards or certificates from 70 brand name partners.

The card members get 2, 000 bonus points after first purchase, more than halfway to a$ 25 Gift Card. There are no balance transfer Fees and APR stays FIXED until the balance is paid in full. Also earns 1 point for every dollar spent anywhere and Earns 2 Points for every dollar spent at gas stations, and drug stores, grocery stores. There is 99% introductory APR on new purchases. Discover� More Card: This card offers 0% Intro APR for Purchases and Balance Transfers for 12 months and 5% Cashback Bonus on purchases in popular categories that change four times a year like home, apparel and more. There is no annual fee and no liability for unauthorized use. Provides up to 1% Cashback Bonus on all other purchases automatically.

There is no annual fee. Provides$ 0 Fraud Liability Guarantee and easiest online account management options. The card members can DOUBLE their Cashback Bonus( turn$ 20 into$ 40) when they redeem for gift cards or certificates from many of the 70 brand name partners. Provides up to 1% Cashback Bonus on all other purchases automatically and unlimited cash rewards that never expire. Discover� More American Flag Card: This card offers 0% Intro APR for purchases and balance transfers for 12 months and 5% Cashback Bonus on purchases in popular categories that change four times a year like home, apparel and more. Provides$ 0 fraud liability guarantee and easiest online account management options. Discover� More Wildlife Card: This card offers 0% Intro APR for purchases and balance transfers for 12 months and 5% Cashback Bonus on purchases in popular categories that change four times a year like home, apparel and more.

There is no annual fee and the card member can DOUBLE their Cashback Bonus( turn$ 20 into$ 40) when they redeem for gift cards or certificates from many of the 70 brand name partners. The card member will earn up to 1% Cashback bonus on all other purchases automatically and also eligible for unlimited cash rewards that never expire. Discover� Student Monogram Card: This card provides the option to choose your personalized card design. Provides$ 0 Fraud Liability Guarantee. Provides 0% Intro APR on purchases for 6 Months and there is no annual fee. The card members will earn 5% Cashback Bonus� on purchases in popular categories that change four times a year like home, apparel and more and earns up to 1% Cashback Bonus on all other purchases automatically. Provides$ 0 Fraud Liability Guarantee and easiest online account management options.

Discover� Business Miles Card: This card offers 0% Intro APR on card purchases and there is no annual fee. There are no restrictions on any airline, any seat, any date. The card members will earn Double Miles on travel and gas and get up to 1 mile per dollar on all other purchases. Chase Freedom Cash: This card offers 05 intro APR and the APR period is for 6 months. The card member can Earn 3% cash back for every eligible$ 1 spent in purchases at Grocery Stores, Stock up on food, household goods and more. There is no annual fee.

Also earn 3% cash back for gas station purchases such as using the card for fuel, car washes, repairs, and other purchases. The card members earn 1% cash back for every$ 1 spent in purchases everywhere else. The same 3% cash back offers also applicable for purchases at Quick Service Restaurants, the rewards add up fast from pizza to hamburgers to tacos- even sandwich shops, coffee houses and more. The card members get a$ 50 Check once they have earned$ 50 in rewards. Chase Freedom Points: This card offers the members to earn 3 Points for every eligible$ 1 spent in purchases at Grocery Store purchases like Stock up on food, household goods and more. The card members can save up to$ 200 in rewards and redeem for$ 250 cash back.

Gas Station purchases such as using the card fuel, car washes, repairs, and other purchases. The card members will earn 1 point for every$ 1 spent in purchases everywhere else and the card members can reward themselves with as few as 1, 000 Points. Quick Service Restaurant such as, rewards add up fast from pizza to hamburgers to tacos- even sandwich shops, coffee houses and more. Provides 0% APR for up to 6 months. Chase Platinum Visa� Card: This Card offers 0% Intro APR for up to 12 months on purchases and balance transfers. There is no annual fee. The time period for the introductory APR and the balances to which it will apply will be based on the review of applicant's application and credit history.

Provides Flexible Rewards Program like the the card member earns one point per dollar spent. There is no annual fee. Provides redeem for the card users choice of Cash Back, Travel or Gift, Merchandise Cards. Bank of America Visa� Platinum Plus� : This card offers 0% Intro APR on purchases and balance transfers for the first 6 months and there is no annual fee. Also provides FREE Online Account Access and FREE travel services including Auto Rental Insurance and worldwide Travel Accident Insurance. Provides Credit lines as high as$ 25, 000 to its card members. The Advanta Platinum Business Custom Card: This card provides the option to its applicants to select their favorite image.

Also provides online banking service and total security protection. This card offers 0% APR for 15 Months and 99% Fixed APR there after. Financial Rewards� Visa� Platinum Plus� Card: This card offers 0% Intro APR on purchases and balance transfers for the first 6 billing cycles. The card members will earn 5% Cash Back or Travel Rewards and there is no annual fee. The card members will earn 5 bonus points with their first purchase and the earned points do not expire for 5 years. There is no annual fee.

Provides online banking service and total security protection. Citi� Platinum Select� Card for College Students: This card offers 0% APR for Six Months and no balance transfer fee with this Offer. There is no annual fee. Provides free online account management and$ 0 liability on unauthorized purchases. Citi� Platinum Select� Card: This card offers 0% APR on purchases and balance transfers for Twelve Months and$ 0 liability on unauthorized purchases. Provides secure and free online account management.

There is 124% APR after the introductory period. There is no annual fee. Provides 6% rebates on gas station, and Drugstore Purchases, Supermarket for 12 Full Months, 3% Rebates after, and 1% Rebates on all other purchases. Citi� Driver's Edge� Platinum Select� Card: The card members will earn rebates for Every Mile Driven and the rebates can be applied toward car maintenance, or to buy or lease a New or Used Car. Provides 0% APR on balance transfers for 12 full months. Citi� Diamond Preferred� Rewards Card: This card offers$ 50 Gift Card- Redeem 6, 000 Bonus Points after first purchase. The Rebates can also be applied to the Thank You Network.

Provides 0% APR on balance transfers for twelve months. There is no annual fee. The card members will earn five bonus ThankYou Points for every dollar spent at supermarkets, drugstores and gas stations for 12 months and earn one bonus ThankYou Point for every dollar spent on all other purchases. Citi� Hilton HHonors� Visa� Signature Card: This card offers 15, 000 Hhonors Points with the very first purchase. The card members will earn three HHonors Bonus Points for every dollar spent using the card at Hilton Family Hotels, plus two HHonors Bonus Points for every dollar spent on other purchases. The card members earn Double Dip� and receive both Hilton HHonors Points and Airline Miles for the same stay at Over 2, 500 hotels and more than 55 participating airlines.

Provides complimentary silver VIP membership for the first year. Pulaski Bank Visa Gold: This card provides 50% low rate APR and 0% balance transfer. There is no annual fee. There is no annual fee. This card is rated as the best credit card rate in the country. Pulaski Bank MasterCard� or VISA� : This card provides 99% low rate APR and 0% introductory APR on all balance transfers.

There is no fee on balance transfers. There is no annual fee with the paid Costco memberbership. TrueEarningsSM Card from Costco and American Express: The card members will earn 3% Cash Back for eating out, 2% for traveling, and 1% everywhere else, including at Costco. Provides flexibility to pay charges in full each month or over time and no limit on the cash back earned. The applicants must be a costco member to apply for this card. The card members can doubles as their costco membership card.

Orchard Bank Low APR Platinum MasterCard: This card offers low 9% APR on all card offers, Silver and Secured, including Gold. Provides the card members choice of payment due date to fit their lifestyle and flexible payment options. The exact fees dependent upon creditworthiness. Provides 100% fraud liability protection and other great benefits included. Provides 100% fraud liability protection and 24/ 7 online account management. SNAP� MasterCard: This card offers 0% Intro APR on purchases and balance transfers for 6 months for qualifying applicants and the rates shown for Platinum and other rates apply for Gold, Silver or Secured. Provides complimentary built- in Tap- N- Go� technology.

The applicants can get the card in as little as 3 days for most cards( rush fees will apply) .

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Every Purchase You Make With This Credit Card Qualifies For Cash Back

Category: Finance, Credit.

The Discover Platinum Gas Card is another credit card that offers gas rebates, as well as rebates on other purchases.

Every purchase you make with this credit card qualifies for cash back. You can use this credit card to earn cash back at any gas station anytime. They claim a" Full 5% Cashback Bonus� on Gas purchases throughout the year* " and" Up to 1% Cashback Bonus on all your other purchases. *", but you have to read the fine print: "Each year, earn a full 5% on your first$ 1, 200 in gas purchases. Your first$ 1, 500 in other purchases earns. 25% and your second$ 1, 500 in other purchases earns. 50% . In addition, earn a full 1% on other purchases in excess of$ 3, 000. Gas purchases in excess of$ 1, 200 earn Cashback Bonus at the same rate as other purchases. " So you actually only get 5% on your first$ 1200 in gas purchases each year.

After that your rebate percentage drops a lot. If you don' t have your calculator, that is$ 60 in cash rebates at 5% . Depending on your spending habits, that could average out to only about 2% cash back through the year. By using multiple credit cards and watching your spending, you could be averaging 5% or higher cash back throughout the year. This credit card could be a good option for someone looking for a second credit card to use combined with an existing card with similar introductory bonuses. Maybe you even have a different rewards credit card to use after your first$ 1200 in gas purchases.

There are no limits on the cash rebates you can earn and the rebates never expire. Another limit of this card is" Purchases made at select warehouse clubs, discount stores and their affiliates earn. 25% ." So if you frequent such stores, don' t expect 5% or even 1% cash back. You can increase your bonuses by redeeming for gift cards or certificates from their partners. As rebates do not expire, the only way you would lose rebates is if you do not have card activity for 36 months or you close the account. You do have to redeem your cash rebates in$ 20 increments. The Discover Platinum Gas Card has no annual fee and a 0% introductory APR on purchases and balance transfers for 12 months.

You also get$ 0 Fraud Liability. With credit cards from Discover, you can qualify for a regular APR rate as low as 199% . Overall this is a very good credit card, but I do recommend using a secondary card once the yearly gas purchase limit has been met. It is a great card for someone looking for cash back everywhere and a low interest rate.